The saddest valentine that ever lived
sat next to me today, with not much to say
I could see in the eyes that love just walked away
The saddest valentine looked at me
what was wrong I wondered out loud
the answer came and I could finally see
The saddest valentine's heart broke
for His love, the one He spoke of
had turned away from the One above
The saddest valentine wanted one thing
for everyone to know love, to have joy,
to see His love dance and sing
This sad valentine is in love with me
He is in love with you, and them too
He came to make all things new
This valentine is love
brought love
gave love
so that we may know love
Oh, my valentine
How could I ever thank you
when You gave your life for mine

sat next to me today, with not much to say
I could see in the eyes that love just walked away
The saddest valentine looked at me
what was wrong I wondered out loud
the answer came and I could finally see
The saddest valentine's heart broke
for His love, the one He spoke of
had turned away from the One above
The saddest valentine wanted one thing
for everyone to know love, to have joy,
to see His love dance and sing
This sad valentine is in love with me
He is in love with you, and them too
He came to make all things new
This valentine is love
brought love
gave love
so that we may know love
Oh, my valentine
How could I ever thank you
when You gave your life for mine
I love that Jesus has been my valentine every year (as corny as that may sound), He is the love of my life after all. Today was a great Valentine's because I spent it going to church in the morning (I love my church!!!!) and then having a girls day out. However, today is one of the saddest days of my life because Mel is going back to Indonesia tonight. I said goodbye to her last night and it was so hard to let her go. Her church family threw her a farewell party and it was a great testament to her life. Every single person had something amazing to say about Mel and how she has such a great heart and love for all people. She is so genuine that people feel at ease to be themselves around her. It is so true, I met so many friends through knowing Mel and I have so many great memories with her. She is a bit nervous about returning home, please pray that she finds a great church and some close Christian friends that she can be vulnerable with.
Thanks! Love,
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