This week finally felt like we were in the swing of things. We got a classroom for our 4 hour block of international student ministry (ism). God has really blessed this step of faith, offering English help and Christianity Explained Courses (CEs) to international students. The first and the third hour we have English class where students can come learn some idioms and play games like pictionary in order to improve their speaking. We met a few new students all from China and they were excited to come back next week.
This Saturday we had an ISM social in the city. It was a long day of fun, we first split into two teams for a photo scavenger hunt. They were given a list of captions and had to creatively take a picture that represented that caption, some of the pictures were hilarious. After the game we went to print the pictures and just hang out in the city, then we met up with some more people for dinner at a Korean restaurant. One unexpected surprise was to get a call from a Chinese guy named Dean. He joined us for dinner and then later Vincy was talking with him about Christianity. I had only met him once at the end of last semester when Wolfe (Chinese guy who came to Christ while I was on summer project here in 2008) brought him to our international dinner party. Wolfe told me that he was interested in Christianity and had been going to church. When Vincy talked with him, she discovered that he put his faith in Christ just weeks after he was at my house for the party! God is so good!
Holding Twilight DVDs for the caption "Dime a Dozen"

taking the photos was Mary (China)

and Dean (Vincy taking the picture, making us laugh and MinJun left early)
Then on Sunday we went to Mt. Gravatt for a day of tennis. It was put on by Campus Life for all uni clubs. Student Life brought the most members which was great to see. Our relationship with the uni is great and they appreciate our involvement on campus and our desire to be active with outreaches and socials. This is one of many ways God has blessed Student Life at Griffith Uni. I personally love tennis and it was a long time since I've played but I had heaps of fun that day.
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