This week was amazing! As are so many of my days spent here in Australia, God just has to show up and bless us. This week at English help Emily and Elaine came (they are the two Chinese girls that Scott met last week). Lan, one of the Chinese girls who usually only comes for the first hour (the English hour) decided to skip her class and stay for the Christianity Explained (CE) hour, I was surprised. I let Nate and Liz take those three girls to start the CE while I took Yuan (another Chinese girl) through the second lesson.
The second lesson is all about Jesus' death on the cross and what that means for us. Yuan had some great questions and I know that she has learned a lot about the Bible in the past. A couple weeks ago I had gone through the Campus Crusade tract called Knowing God Personally with her and some other girls. She brought it out after we finished the lessons content. She asked me how to accept Jesus. I was so excited as we went through the gospel again. I knew God was working in her heart when she asked, "this is so good, why doesn't everyone want this?" I told her that that was a great question and I often wonder the same thing. I told her that in order to accept Jesus all she needed to do was repent and believe and that through faith she would have salvation. She read through a suggested prayer and said she agreed with it. I was so happy but then she threw me for a loop when just as she was getting up to leave said she wanted to learn more because she felt she was still in the middle. I am unsure of the decision she made but I hope it will be made clear this week as I follow her up with Vincy. This is one of the hurdles with international ministry, but I trust Christ to continue to work in each one of their hearts.
After everyone left I asked Nate how his CE went. Emily is a Christian and it seemed she was a bit argumentative with her Buddhist friend Elaine. Please pray for the friends, that Emily will change her attitude of "no matter what, she won't believe" and be a good witness to Elaine. Please also pray for Lan, who was a bit shy to voice her opinion but seemed interested to learn.
Vincy (Lan was camera shy), Elaine, Emily, Nate and Liz at English HelpHave I told you how much I love my housemates? One morning we walked to campus together and on the way stopped to pose for these photos. It was so funny!
Jeanie and Lynn sad about midterm exams, but still so cute:-)
Friday we played frisbee as usual only this time two of Dani's students came along. (Dani got a job as an English tutor). Roland and Yarn came to play for awhile with us and then followed Dani into the city because she had another lesson. After her lesson she met back up with them and went to dinner. Emily, Lynn and I also went to the city where Em took a book and read and Lynn and I met up with Dani and the guys. Before we went to the restaurant we grabbed Hungry Jack's (Burger King) ice cream. On the way there I ran into a Korean guy I met earlier this semester and invited him to English help this next week (pray he comes and stays for CE). They were just about done with dinner when we got there so we went for a long walk through the botanical gardens. There we heard worship music and discovered a youth conference going on, we talked to the ladies at the gate for awhile and heard some of Hillsong's performance. Then we went to Starbucks and talked for a long time. On the way to the bus we ran into a big group of Koreans from Lynn's church who went to the conference. After saying goodbye, Yarn randomly asked us if we were Christians to which Lynn and I smiled and happily replied yes, all three of us are. Yarn's curiosity was peaked as he asked, "do you love Jesus?" That made me giggle a bit because it was so cute. After I answered he responded by telling me how he only believes in himself. I asked him why when he isn't perfect but Jesus is. He just can't understand believing without seeing, so he asked me if I've ever seen Jesus. I told him that I had not with my eyes but definitely with my heart. He half jokingly said, "next time, you can introduce me to Jesus." He doesn't know what he's getting himself into I guess because Dani and I intend to do just that. The next day was Roland's birthday party and Yarn was there. At one point he asked me why I smile all the time (man, I love that question!). I told him that I am so joyful because I love Jesus. He just shook his head and said that he couldn't understand. Then as we walked through the city he asked if I liked the city and I told him I did because I love people. He said, "that's because of Jesus." Yes, Yarn, you are exactly right; I can see God working in that kid's heart. Please pray for him and Dani as she tries to bring the gospel into their tutor lessons.
Dani and her student Yarn
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