
Student Life Ministry in Brisbane, Australia with Amanda DeCesaro

I sit here at my computer while two of my housemates and hundreds of other uni students sit at a desk taking a final exam. They are consumed by nerves and focused on recalling the knowledge they have learned throughout the semester while I try to recall my uni experience. Looking back now it is a wonder why I ever worried about an academic exam, although I always did well, the end result had nothing to do with how I was feeling. The purpose of any test is to discover how input will output in your life. In academics that means if the knowledge taught and studied can then be recalled, transferred, and explained as well as be understood.

Life has a wonderful way of giving us its own tests. I often find my patience tested, my trust, my logic, and my motives. These are the tests of our character, and I would say are the most important tests we will face in our lives. This past Sunday our pastor talked about living in the power of the Holy Spirit and the one thing that he said that I can't get out of my mind is "whatever fills your life will control your life." I've heard similar things before but this has been sticking to my brain this past week. That goes for anything and everything, even things that in themselves are not wrong or bad. However, I don't want anything to have control over my Lord, so I've committed to Him that when I notice something taking control I will fast from it for a time so that it can lose its control over me.

What tests are you facing this week?


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