
Student Life Ministry in Brisbane, Australia with Amanda DeCesaro

Elaine (Hong Kong), Rachel (Philippines), Michelle (Malaysia), Machiko (Japan)

Another week has gone by and tomorrow is the beginning of orientation week. As a team we are aiming to reach 1st years in the first three weeks of uni (university). This is something Student Life at Griffith has not seen much success in. So pray that we get many contacts and that we follow up and pursue interested 1st years. This past Friday I had the opportunity to attend an international student orientation. I met many people from places in Asia, Europe and the middle East. One girl named Michelle is interested in coming to church with me, so pray that she gets plugged into church as well as Student Life. I praise God for the little things He has already showed up in since I've been here. Not only have I already gotten to make new friends but I have a wonderful new team. They are supportive in my international ministry and in my new outreach ideas. God has been blessing me with many ideas lately, please pray that they get put into action. Without action an idea is useless.

We have a vision trip coming this week. I hope they catch the vision we have and bring it back to their campus. There are 3 freshmen and 1 sophomore coming, so they will have time to lead at their school. Please pray for their safe travel and their time here, though it will be brief, that they are greatly used and grow in their walk with God.


15 February 2010

How can I imitate someone I cannot see? and how can I become like someone I do not know? But Jesus, You have revealed Yourself to me, You have opened my eyes. You join me here and speak to me. Why is it that so often I cannot hear You? I want to listen, but my mind wanders, I lose faith, I give into temptation, I look away from You. I want to be so close to You that I would know Your thoughts. Who am I but a mere girl? How could I ever serve You? How could I ever bring You glory? But this heart that You have placed within me will not stop beating. It pounds at me all day long and no worldly sound can drown it out. It breaks for the weak, the lost, the blind. It wants only to see You glorified. This heart is so heavy, yet not a burden in me. It reminds me to get on my knees and to stop and listen when You speak. It was not by accident that I am here. You sent me with a plan and a purpose. I know not the details of our mission, but with this heart of love I will proceed. Stepping each day with a faith not of my own, I trust You my Lord. I have not much to offer but You know that, I don't have much to give but You gave it all for me. Yesterday was a few breaths before and tomorrow will soon be no more. What will I do with the time You gave? How will I invest in Heavenly things? Draw close to me and show Yourself, I am unworthy yet bold to ask. I want to know You and know complete joy. I want to see You and have You by my side. Never will You leave me and You will always provide, it is in my selfish foolishness I chose to reside. Away with my ignorance, deceit, and pride, wickedness has lost its grip on me. Jesus is the one who sets us free. With all the eloquence a pen can hold, no ink will ever write what the soul beholds. For when all is said and done, no one will ever know why You came to this place and gave Your life for mine. I have no right, no innocence, no reason why but forever I will praise You and know You are mine. You are my Saviour, my King, all I need. How could I want anything other than what You want for me? How can I love something more than You? You hold me in Your hand and remind me how precious I am, may I not forget. May I share this with everyone so that they may know these things, the thoughts and treasures of my soul.

The saddest valentine that ever lived
sat next to me today, with not much to say
I could see in the eyes that love just walked away

The saddest valentine looked at me
what was wrong I wondered out loud
the answer came and I could finally see

The saddest valentine's heart broke
for His love, the one He spoke of
had turned away from the One above

The saddest valentine wanted one thing
for everyone to know love, to have joy,
to see His love dance and sing

This sad valentine is in love with me
He is in love with you, and them too
He came to make all things new

This valentine is love
brought love
gave love
so that we may know love

Oh, my valentine
How could I ever thank you
when You gave your life for mine


I love that Jesus has been my valentine every year (as corny as that may sound), He is the love of my life after all. Today was a great Valentine's because I spent it going to church in the morning (I love my church!!!!) and then having a girls day out. However, today is one of the saddest days of my life because Mel is going back to Indonesia tonight. I said goodbye to her last night and it was so hard to let her go. Her church family threw her a farewell party and it was a great testament to her life. Every single person had something amazing to say about Mel and how she has such a great heart and love for all people. She is so genuine that people feel at ease to be themselves around her. It is so true, I met so many friends through knowing Mel and I have so many great memories with her. She is a bit nervous about returning home, please pray that she finds a great church and some close Christian friends that she can be vulnerable with.

Thanks! Love,

Jetlag? not sure. Planning and prep? a bit. Seeing familiar faces? yes, and I am so grateful.

Last night we had a game of frisbee and our annual meeting for Student Life as a campus club. I saw some people I had not yet seen, including some of our non Christian friends. As per usual I ran the field barefooted causing me to realize that my feet have become soft while at home. There were some other realizations I made last night: I am so thankful that I am back in Brisbane with people I love dearly and with a new team that I will grow to love very much, God has blessed Griffith University with students that love Him and have a heart to bring the Gospel to their peers, and that this year will be different from last but God will use it and bless it.

Today I spent some valuable time with Mel who leaves to go back home to Jakarta, Indonesia this Sunday. Mel has had such an impact on my life, from getting to know her sweet heart to encouraging me to fully live for Christ, she will always be in my prayers. I discipled her last year and together we pondered life questions, had fun, prayed and loved Jesus. She explained an amazing God given idea for her future. Mel is especially gifted in film and studied journalism at Griffith. She hopes to return home to teach English while doing a documentary type film about her students, making it her mission field. Please pray with me for Mel and her beloved country, one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.

So as I have to tearfully say goodbye to one of my closest friends, I look forward to meeting new ones as the semester begins (March 1). Emily and I are planning together for our Impact Camp (planning weekend with our students) that is this Thurs through Sat. We are co-leading a training on following up contacts. We hope that the students will be motivated and prepared to start off the new year full force. Thank you for praying for our pre-campus weeks. Although I am not a natural planner I see the importance of it, and much of our planning is happening over the next two weeks. May they be very productive days.

Love, Amanda

Ahhhh.... unorganization, killer for some; for me, I don't mind too much. On that note I would like to introduce you to my team. We have not yet been together so I feel a bit disjointed. Kris is our ICS (international campus staff). He was here on the very first summer project followed by two years of STINT and now has returned with a longer term commitment. Ben is our campus coordinator and will be leading this new team. Then there is Emily, my sole girl teammate, who I have gotten to know pretty well already. Finally, Nate is on a plane as I write this in the middle of the Pacific. Soon we will be a complete team!

Our first team meeting while I was still in the States
Kris, Ben, Emily, Nate in MN, me in WI


My first thought as I looked out the airplane window was that everything was so green! Much more green than when I left in December and excitingly more so than the winter of Wisconsin I have just left. I am so glad to be back in the country I left my heart. These past couple days has been filled with seeing old friends and meeting a few new ones, a couple team meetings and a few stops at the shops. It has been hot and humid but you won't hear any complaints from me, last night it started pouring, how I love the rain!

It is Sunday here and I just returned home from church at Gateway Baptist, the church I fell in love with last year and also where I was baptized. It was so fitting that my first Sunday was Vision Sunday. I am so blessed to be part of such a mission minded community of Christ followers. Gateway's vision is to be a large family where Jesus changes lives- growing God's Kingdom in our communities, our nation, and throughout the world. Pastor Jason spoke on taking faith steps and used Peter as an example. When Jesus called him to leave his nets and follow him, Peter did not know that when he took that step of faith that he would see the beginning of the Church or that he would heal in Jesus' name or that he would see the gospel go out across racial and religious lines or that he would see 3,000 people accept the message he shared in one day. Peter could not see the future but he trusted Jesus with his. In the same way, I completely desire to follow Jesus, to take each step as a step of faith so that I can see what God has planned for the world around me. Jason asked us to write down the next step that Jesus has for us in 2010 and I wrote that for me to trust him to work through me as part of my team, to lead selflessly, to give myself fully, and to raise others above myself. I am anxious to see where this step will lead me this year.

Love, Amanda

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